
Mods for fallout 2
Mods for fallout 2

I think by default they've set this so only some things are invaded (like your vault, if you take too long), but you can reactivate the full invasion if you want, and even tweak the times/order things get invaded at if you want. enemy's armour being destroyed (so you're not ridiculously rich - well at least it'll take longer to get rich now). Plus there's some other stuff - most of which is activated by default, but most (possibly all?) of it can also be adjusted if you prefer a more "vanilla" F1 experience, such as: companions actually levelling up now (similar to Fallout 2) being able to actually control companions individually in combat (optional) (as per a F2 mod)

mods for fallout 2

companion general orders (Fallout 2 style) companions being able to wear armour (and you can see them wearing it) being able to push people out of the way so they don't block you This is the original Fallout, but implemented in the Fallout 2 engine! So you get the Fallout experience, as close to original as possible, but with the advantages and improvements available from the Fallout 2 engine!

mods for fallout 2

I don't see this posted here yet, so here it is:

Mods for fallout 2